Why You Need To Know About Drone Delivery

April 16, 2020 by
Why You Need To Know About Drone Delivery
Unmanned Vehicle Technologies, Andrew McKinney

Why Adopt Drones?

Drone adoption is increasing left and right, up and down. Who's interested? Both consumers and companies want to use drones. Products delivered by drone is the most common use. We're about to explain just what this entails and how it's changing the tech game.

Major companies — Amazon, Walmart, and others — are displaying their interest in drone delivery. Their focus is on improving delivery methods and taking advantage of modern technology. Have you ever heard of "last mile" deliveries? Last-mile deliveries are intended to be fast, timely deliveries typically to a personal residence.

In a world that emphasizes efficiency, innovation is essential. Timeliness is essential. The adoption of unmanned systems incorporates both.

You won’t believe what comes next… Drone delivery pizza.

Drone Delivery in Action

Among many other drone successes, the public's eye really zoned in on drone delivery pizza.

In November 2016, Domino's successfully dropped off a pizza order at a customer's door in New Zealand. Domino's partner in crime was Flirtey, a major drone company. A team of experts controlled the drone to successfully complete the order. Navigation and communication were essential to the mission.

Fun fact: the first pizza drone delivery was an order of a peri-peri chicken pizza and a chicken and cranberry pizza.

In this case, the adoption of drones saved time and energy. It even threw in a little bit of fun and curiosity.

Drones Deliver Pizza... So, what?

Drones deliver, yes. But with the chaos and noise of the modern world, unmanned vehicle delivery has the ability to also calm things down a bit.

As mentioned before, even the big wigs are considering or implementing drone adoption. In the last year or so, Walmart was expected to file more drone patents than Amazon. Why? Well, Walmart is in a better position than most to take on new, advanced technology. With its massive network, Walmart is looking for any and every opportunity to reach more and more consumers. They can do this in a healthy, fast-paced way.

Drone delivery increases the space in which we live. We have this great opportunity to connect with people and places that we never could have imagined connecting with before. Additionally, drones save manpower and time. A drone can deliver with much more efficiency than a truck or a plane. These deliveries include medical supplies and essentials to people stranded during a flood or other disaster. Even drone-delivered AEDs are coming into the picture, an attempt to save as many lives as possible. Another advantage of drone delivery is that it could really benefit shareholders by reducing overall costs. So, a few of the pros we have are: increasing the space we’re in, saving manpower and time, increasing efficiency, and benefiting shareholders? Doesn’t sound too bad!

Potential setbacks of drone delivery include cost (it isn’t super cheap) and technological malfunctions. This technology is not as reliable as other forms of delivery, but this can be adjusted through trial and error. It’s all a process, but one that is worth trying out.

Consider Drone Adoption... Today

The drone industry can and will have a major impact on modern delivery. From medical supplies to equipment to pizza, consumers need their goods delivered. This process has the opportunity to be more efficient and effective than ever.

Modern technology, especially drone adoption, will change the business world for the better. Clients will be more satisfied, and businesses will flourish. Sounds like a win-win, right? We think so. Contact us and we'll get you started on the fast track to getting your fleet ready to fly and deliver.

Why You Need To Know About Drone Delivery
Unmanned Vehicle Technologies, Andrew McKinney April 16, 2020
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